Monday, June 11, 2012

Old People are Gross

Don't read this if you think I'm a really compassionate person.
I had a very disturbing experience today at lunch. Mom and I were eating and she was talking with her mouth full which she always does. I was busy trying to avoid looking at her and trying not to lose my appetite from the specs of food that made their way around her mouth when in walk a very old couple. Well, I say "walk" lightly because at the rate they were moving it took them about 10 minutes to get to their seats, which, it turns out, was the booth next to us.
Mom went to the bathroom and I moved to steal a bit of her blueberry pancakes off her plate when I suddenly got a whiff of something awful. It was this baby-powderish, nursing home stench. Oh my god, it was disgusting. I lost my appetite and left my really delicious lunch sitting on my plate, rushed my mother to finish her lunch, not telling her why, and got the hell out of there. Now I'm really hungry.
Is this why we want to live a long life?

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