Friday, June 8, 2012

City Girl

You know I fancy myself a city girl, which is funny since I haven't lived in a city since I was three years old. Really I'm a suburb girl, but who the hell wants that? Not me. I'm so sick of the suburbs. I'm sick of the yard talk, the garden talk, the house repair talk. I'm sick of driving the fuck everywhere. I'm sick of eating hamburgers because it's the only good food in town. So my little hiatus in Boston today is a breath of fresh air, so to speak. We're in Beacon Hill in a cozy, little studio apartment which is probably the kind of place I would live in if I lived in the city. I'd be single if I lived in the city because SSMG absolutely despises all cities. So that would be very sad. I would miss him.
I think I went through several years of thinking I was outdoorsy and active. But that's changed. Since I moved back to Colorado, I dread going for a run or a hike or a bike ride. Ironic, huh? It's a little scary since I'm running a marathon in November and, at the same time, trying desperately not to get fat. But truly, I'd rather get on a spinning bike at the gym with my iPod than go out for an actual bike ride. This is city talk, is it not?
At the same time, I'm suddenly craving intellectual stimulation. Not that my friends don't provide that, they do, but the majority of people I'm encountering don't. Ironically (I was accepted) I'm in graduate school. You would think. Well let me tell you, someone sold me a bill of goods. I'm bored out of my mind, and I'd like to go back to undergraduate school where at least I learned something.
So, I'm imagining the city might provide me with more intellectual stimulation. Though I don't know why I imagine that. Knowing me, I'd hole up in my apartment by myself and not meet anyone to have said intellectually stimulating conversations with.
I mean look at me now? A day in the city and what am I doing? a) going to the gym to work off the 5000 calories I've eaten in two days, b) meeting a friend for burgers at a pub and c) sitting in the little apartment by myself blogging and emailing. I'm not going to museums and lectures and enjoying all the culture that the city has to offer.
Put me in the city, and inside I'm still suburban. Sigh.

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