Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dumpster Diving 101

Over the past several weeks as we've been packing up the house I've made several trips to the Hudson town dump to get rid of shit. It costs $20 a pop to throw a carload of shit away, and I can't tell you how much this offends my frugal sensibilities. So I found myself sort of looking around to see where I might find a dumpster in the area and sneak my garbage in there.
I know this isn't kosher. Some, like my BFF and her husband who have lectured me over the years on some of my, what some would consider, unethical behavior, and SSMG who always sides with them, might call it stealing. Nevertheless, one day last week with a car full of shit I was going to take to the dump, I passed a dumpster that looked inviting. No one was within eyesight, so I thought, who am I hurting? And I proceeded to empty the contents of my car into said dumpster.
Then I drove away, and I panicked. SSMG and I had been talking about all of these dump trips and he had been very involved in my elimination of waste from the house. Once at the gas station I proclaimed, "Look, a dumpster," and he shot me a disapproving look, I guess, knowing what I was thinking.
In short, this is not behavior that he would approve of, and I realized immediately after I performed the deed that I couldn't tell him because he would be very upset with me, perhaps even question if I was the kind of woman he wants to be with. He would ask me why I did it instead of just paying the $20 - we can afford it - and I didn't really have an answer. So, like clockwork, I conjured several stories and lies I could tell him. And then I really panicked because in the three years we've been together, I have never lied to SSMG and I never want to and I don't want that hanging over my head for the rest of my life. Then I thought of all the bad karma that my actions might create and that we wouldn't get an offer on the house because I did this bad thing and then had to lie about it.
I went for a run and evaluated the situation and came up with only one solution. There was, really, only one.
I went back to the dumpster, went IN the dumpster and retrieved most of what I had put in there, loaded it back in my car and drove to the dump where my consolation prize was that the guy recognized me and took pity and only charged me $10. And now, we might be getting an offer on the house.
I believe this gives new meaning to the the phrase, "He keeps me honest."

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