Saturday, December 26, 2009

And now we return gifts.

I was going to venture to the store today, but then I realized that today is the day after Christmas. Now that we're done - as of 5:00 on Wednesday we officially stop shopping for presents - now, it's the day after Christmas and we return stuff. The stores are packed once again. I cherish that very short period of time on Christmas day when everything is closed and we simply can't shop. But it goes so quickly and then it's 6:00 and stores start opening their doors again. I remember when everything really did close starting at about 2:00 on Christmas Eve all the way through Christmas day until the 26th. Now, there's about an 8 hour window of peace until everything opens back up again.
This full 24 hour day of everything being closed used to give us an excuse to stay home and do nothing but eat and watch movies or read. Now, there's no excuse. The world stops for a very brief hiatus to open gifts and eat breakfast, and then the madness continues. You know, I truly envy my orthodox brethren for taking a day out of each week to stop doing and turn off the world. Perhaps I'll start observing the Sabbath. I'm not sure if it's Kosher to observe the Sabbath if one is not a believer, but I don't think god'll care, do you?
Of course I'll feel guilty. I can't do nothing an not feel guilty. So there goes my life. I do nothing often, feel guilty all the time and have to take a xanax on occasion just to control the anxiety of the constant pressure that I should be doing more.
I'm so exhausted. Thinking about this holiday has really worn me out. I need a break. Today's the Sabbath so I am going to embrace my culture today and not do a damn thing. And damnit, I will not feel guilty.

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