Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Indefinite Delay of My Fame

I'm overdue for my entry about people who are self-involved. I never did get to that topic for talking about myself.
I'm trying to determine what I like to read. I'm terrified I'll pull a Sarah Palin when Katie Couric inevitably asks me what I like to read. I need to have a definitive answer. In the past few months I've started, and not finished, at least 10 books. I told my mother, who is truly the most prolific reader on the planet, about my problem and that I thought I might be ADD and she laughed at me. Then she suggested that I try Danielle Steel as she is considered "light" reading. Mind you, my very erudite mother said this without any judgment whatsoever. She really doesn't judge people for what they read. I do, and with the exception of Twighlight, I will not be reduced to reading the romance novel genre, even though I think she's right and those kinds of books would probably keep me engaged. I'm the person who sits with thick books like Infinite Jest at their bedside while reading Shape magazine and the Twighlight Saga.
So one thing I know I don't want to read is the "What I did today" genre. You know, "First, I woke up and drank my coffee. Then, I went to the bathroom. Then I saw an interesting bird that ended up shitting on my head." What are we, in kindergarten writing our assignment entitled, "What I did this summer?" I mean, at least try to be funny! Jeez. There are plenty of articles and blogs like this, and there are books like this. I call them mysteries. So you can forget "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," or anything written by John LeCarre. Sorry SSMG.
I know what I don't like, and I guess, sadly, it's most things. I don't like whodoneits, I don't like fantastical stories, I don't like reading about places, and I don't like anything written in another language. Or the language of the 1800's. That would be the classics. I don't like how to's or self help. I don't like spiritual journeys.
I like anything that has to do with mental illness or addiction, but it's the craziness, and not the recovery that I find interesting. And I like stories about women like me who are my age and battle with the same issues as I do. But there aren't any of those except my blog.
So in the absence of any sort of "taste," I'm delaying my fame until I can answer the question, "What do you like to read?"

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