Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't know if I'm going to survive in Boulder after all

We always know when I have a work assignment to complete because those are the days on which I "blog" (in quotes in order to illustrate my awareness to the fact that it is a made-up verb that was invented to accomodate our technology-challenged language). Yes, I have a deadline looming and not much material to fill the 1200 word assignment, so I'm writing here instead.
The die-hard Obama-ites are really getting on my nerves again. This is NOT a political issue for me. I would bet that most of you don't even know where I stand politically. And I'm sure that is very disconcerting. Where we stand politically tells us who we are, who we can be friends with, what bars and restaurants we can hang out in, where we can live, what clothes to wear and how to style our hair.
Most recently, a fellow blogger is disturbed that, in stating her disapproval of a decision that Obama has made, her friend refers to him as "our brilliant president" in a sarcastic tone. Aforementioned blogger is offended and feels compelled to explain how brilliant Obama really is, despite the opinion expressed by her misguided friend.
Jesus girl. I don't think your friend meant to personally attack Obama's level of intelligence, she's just disappointed in a decision he's made. When you campaigned for him, you were part of a majority who wanted to change our world and make it better. You were part of a majority who wanted to see a minority in office. You were part of the people who want a better, safer, cleaner planet and a peaceful world for our children.
As if.
So, what, now? If you don't say nice things about Obama it means you don't believe in all of that? He represents all that is good and if you don't support him, then, what? That makes you bad?
You have my pledge. If you say something bad about Barak Obama, I'll still like you.
And on that note, stay tuned. I'm preparing my next blog entry on self-absorbed narcissism and my so-called friends. To prepare for this lesson, please memorize the definition of "soliloquy" and keep in mind that "soliloquy" and "conversation" are not synonymous.

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