Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I want to see Star Trek, yes, really

SSMG is my soulmate. I know that not only because I just know that, but because we share something critical, in my opinion, to the health of a relationship: a love of seeing movies. I say "seeing" movies, mind you, instead of just "movies" because to say we love movies is to say that we love all the movies we watch, and truthfully, there are only a few that we actually even like. We watch tons of movies we can't stand. We often turn off movies in the middle because they're so bad. Unfortunately, we are cursed with Satellite TV which shows movies, but on their time schedule and doesn't allow for pausing or fast forwarding, so sometimes, just because we've spent the money, we watch a bad movie from beginning to end.
When I moved in with SSMG, he generously provided me with the password to his Netflix queue. Scrolling through his list of old, epic dramas like Bridge on the River Kwai and Alexander the Great, I quickly, without a second thought, decided that he didn't want to see these movies, but would much prefer the indie films that I wanted to see. For his own good, really, I deleted his entire queue and rebuilt it with my list of "charming," "cute" little films about real people. You know, the ones that inevitably have the "Appeared at Sundance" stamp on them. That SSMG stayed with me and didn't kick me out then and there is a testament to how really kind and forgiving he is because believe me, there are plenty of cute, little indie films out there that SUCK.
But I think we've come to some sort of understanding. That is, I understand what he likes and I'm better at selecting movies that we both might enjoy. Ironically, some of the movies that we've seen were ones he had on his queue before I deleted them, and up to my own devices, reappeared.
It's a metaphor for a relationship, don't you think? First you're diametrically opposed, then you sacrifice and then, before you know it, you meld into one!
The other day, we both declared that we wanted to see Star Trek; for me, very out of character, for him, outside of his typical genre.
SSMG and I, it seems have melded.

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