Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is it something in the water?

So Palin's daughter apparently made the "choice" to have the baby. Doesn't that mean she had a "choice?" Doesn't that make Palin pro-CHOICE? The evangelical right loves her. Hello? Her daughter had pre-marital sex, albeit, thank the lord, unprotected, and now she's having the baby. Yay teenage pregnancy! Unprotected sex rules!
Bad news all around. SSMG and I had a wonderful weekend in the White mountains of New Hampshire. When I got home, my birthday was a day of catching up with friends. Everyone has bad news. Not directly, thank goodness, but their families, their friends and their circles of people. Depression, illness, death... I'm getting afraid to answer the phone. I knew there was a reason why I never pick up the phone when it rings. Aside from the fact that I'm anti-social and I hate talking. Talking reminds me that I'm from Long Island, I lost my accent, and now - my mother's influence - it's back with a vengeance.
Amidst all this bad news, Sam had his teeth cleaned yesterday and he was crying last night. It was so sad and scary. But now he's fine, and his breath is a lot better than it's been. In fact, his breath smells better than - dare I say it - some of the people I know. Ugh. Being here near family is really on my nerves.
It's back to school time, and I have work to do, so check back often. I'll be busy procrastinating. Right now I'm listening to Rubberband Man by The Spinners. Things are getting very scary here in the bubble.

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