Thursday, August 7, 2008

Even more gorgeous than a Dutch hooker...

are the mountains in Alaska.
I know it's been a long time since I've written. I was cruising in Alaska. At 75 cents a minute, and the slowest internet connection on the planet, I couldn't afford to blog. Plus, I was, ahem, having a good time. It really was wonderful, and I got along very well with the family. We biked, kayaked and went dogsledding. I almost came home with a three week old husky puppy, but they wouldn't let me through customs with it, so alas, I left it with its brothers and sisters in Juneau to grow up and be a sled dog. I'm pretty sure that was the right thing.
Speaking of dogs, there's a husky who lives across the street from us. He's behind a fence all day and I go to visit him and say hello periodically because he looks lonely. I want to offer his owners my services and take him out during the day but I'm afraid they'll think I'm crazy, like the other neighbors with the husky who never responded to my note explaining to them that I was in love with their dog and that I'd really appreciate the opportunity to take him out. I will approach this one differently, in person, and not admit to my stalking behavior. I'll make them think they're lucky to have me as a neighbor. I once gave the dog a treat and SSMG straightened me out. I spent that night awake, worrying that the poor dog had a treat allergy and instead of making him happy I had, in fact, killed him. I won't mention that to my neighbor.
Anyway, huskies don't bark, they howl and cry. And this husky is apparently not happy. He cries a lot. That makes me cry. I really can't take it. It's torturing me. So now I'm stalking the owners of the home to see if I can catch them outside and ask them, very politely, if they'd like me to take Lovey, the name I've given him, out for a jaunt.
I suppose my life is pretty calm. Compared to the drama in my friends' lives. In one day, this is the news I got from the field. Friend A, single, was just artificially inseminated, and now she's waiting to see if it "takes." Friend B, newly sober, is in rehab for enjoying life too much. (Keep up the good work friend B!) Friend C just separated from her husband because, she says, she thinks she deserves to be happy. Me? Today I stayed home with the dogs while the house got painted and watched more episodes of The Office. Now I'm at the JCC, working. I wiped off the fitness equipment and got to blogging. Then I go home and the always wonderful SSMG takes me to dinner. Then to bed. Then I wake up and do it all over again.
No drama. No excitement. Just calm.
For the time being, I love it.
Bubble on.

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