Thursday, July 3, 2008

When Did Hookers Get So Gorgeous?

What happened to prostitution being a sleazy profession? We just came back from Amsterdam where we took a stroll through the Red Light District to see what all the fuss was about. Now we know. There’s a fuss to be made. Prostitution is legal in Amsterdam, and therefore the women are dressed very nicely. They each get their own little storefront window with a bed inside and when a customer purchases their services, they close the curtain. And no, you can’t see in no matter how hard you try, but right next door you may find a live sex show if that's your thing.

[Side note: We walked by one that advertised "writing" as one of the skills. The bouncer explained, "She doesn't write with her hands." SSMG asked, "Does she have good penmanship?" :)]

It’s quite possibly the weirdest experience I’ve ever had. I mean, I didn’t visit with one of the prostitutes, but witnessing sex for sale so readily and conveniently is a mind fuck, so to speak.

As a woman, there are so many things about this that I find disturbing, not the least of which is the fact that one is more beautiful than the last. These are not your typical whores. They are young, fit, beautiful women dressed in Victoria’s Secret-esque lingerie that glows under the florescent red light. Not to be catty or anything, but the Dutch are not a particularly attractive people, and they are by no means fit and muscular. Except the prostitutes, who clearly spend their days at the gym firming up, and then shopping at VS. I mean, the competition is evidently keen.

So aside from being envious of their beauty, what’s disturbing about this is that men spend the evening window shopping, knowing that they can have any woman they want if they cough up enough euros. Then, they spend a quick 15 minutes fucking or getting blown by the most attractive woman they’ll ever be with in their life, and then immediately go back out onto the street. I ask you, what are they thinking then when they look at women that pass by? What are they thinking when they go back to wherever they came from? Back to their offices, their friends and god-forbid their wives or girlfriends, and everyone looks normal? Are they then interested in us regular looking women again? Or are they now spoiled by the sexiest women in the world and expecting better? It’s like shopping the VS catalog and then actually living the fantasy.

Not only that, I find it creepy and disgusting that these men just “stop in” for quick sex and then come right back out on the street to mingle with the masses. Call me a prude, but I guess I’m just not a big fan of prostitution. Not because I feel sorry for the women who have chosen this profession – clearly in Amsterdam it is a viable choice, and probably a lucrative and glamorous one – but because of how these women change a man’s perception of the world and how he views women as a whole. I guess, therein lies the problem with the sex industry, huh? I guess it just took me a little while longer to understand it.

I’m glad prostitution isn’t legal here. I’m glad I don’t have to walk down the street and see Gisele Bündchen selling her body to the man who is holding my hand. Even though SSMG claims to have no interest (his only comment was that it wasn’t as sleazy as he expected it to be), I don’t think I want to deal with that kind of competition.

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