Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dementia patients aided by brightly lit rooms

Well, I'll try it. I bought more lamps and lightbulbs. We'll see how it goes. I think it has become detrimental, if I'm going to travel back to Colorado, that my memory improve. I think I drank so much during the 14 years I lived there that most of that period of my life is lost.
I saw beautiful, glamorous, successful, sophisticated publicist friend this weekend in NYC. She reminded me of a date I had with a guy that we know. I have no recollection of said date. For that matter, I have no recollection of most of the men I dated in Boulder. If I run into them, I'll say, 'Hmmm, you look familiar, where do I know you from?"
I'm not boasting - that's not at all it, it's just that I'm old and I was single for 14 years in Boulder - but I dated a lot of guys. I don't remember a single one.
Thank god that's all over now. I'm settled with the man of my dreams and I don't have to remember him from day to day. It's like each day is new and we can fall in love all over again! Like in 50 First Dates, every morning he can remind me who he is and I can look at his beautiful face and say "Oh yeah, and I'm in love with you." :)
In the meantime, I'm lighting up the house and I'm taking lots of Follic acid, which I'm told is good for the memory.
Now, what was I writing about again?

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