Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I was right all along

It really is all about looks. I thought that as a child - shit, I was taught that as a child - and then I learned in college that what's inside a person's head is what's important, and I've tried hard for the rest of my life to figure out what really matters. To look past the annoying external traits I find on almost everyone I meet. You can't win with me usually. If you're ugly, well, you're ugly and that's repulsive. If you're beautiful, well, you're too perfect, and that's repulsive. I mostly gravitate towards people who are somewhere in the middle. They're "nice" looking and they have faults. Those are my people, and I can stand their company.
Why am I talking about this? As usual, I want to get real and get to the bottom of what's really going on. I speak of course about what everyone else is speaking about. The race: Obama vs. Sarah. (We refer to him by his last name, her by her first. Sexist or brilliant marketing ploy by Fleetwood Mac?)
For a long time now, I've been a little sick of hearing about Obama. Just the overkill aspect of him. I get sick of hearing about anyone who's talked about in the media incessantly. It's not really their fault and I don't hold it against them personally, I just can't hear about them anymore to the point where I learn to ignore anything that mentions their name. I can't hear about Lance Armstrong anymore. Michael Phelps. Same goes for any number of actresses and/or celebrities. I can't hear about Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Give me more Andy Murray. Him, I can hear about it. He's okay looking, he plays a great game of tennis and he's scottish. Just wish he'd shave.
I can't read Newsweek anymore. They talked about Obama incessantly, and then they didn't publish my brilliant "My Turn" column that I submitted (to appear on a separate blog, stay tuned). This week, Sarah's on the cover holding a rifle.
Why? Because we like how she looks. We like how Obama looks - kind, intelligent, knowing and black. We like how Sarah looks - young and pretty. McCain? Not so much.
Imagine Sarah as an older, white male? Same history, same family, same political views. Would she be loved the way she is now? I doubt it. But we're so caught up in what she looks like that we're willing to overlook her right-wing, conservative, anti-choice, creationist-bullshit agenda because she's a woman and, well, she's pretty. Oh, and how cool that her 17-year old daughter is pregnant and having her baby! That's something that americans can relate to!
For the first time, I feel sorry for Hillary. I didn't mind when she lost to Obama, but now she's losing to Sarah, and that, clearly, is because Hillary ain't so pretty. No one's running out to buy her glasses or wear her hairstyle. Suddenly, I like Hillary and wish she was running against Obama. (Oh yeah, Sarah's not running against Obama, McCain is. I keep forgetting.)
I might have PMS today. Not sure. But I'm pissed. SSMG thinks I should shave my head. (I'm sure the amount of hair that accumulates around the house is an issue.) This, after spending all of dinner last night making fun of the waiter with the weird hairdo. Bald? I don't dare in this world of "looks mean everything." Instead, it's time for a new facial cream and a 10 mile run. I have to find a job, so I've gotta look good.
That IS what it's all about after all. I was right all along.

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