Friday, April 18, 2008

Maybe I shouldn't have slept with both of them at the same time

The dogs have no respect for me. They don't listen to me, they shit where they please, pee where they please and I can't control them. Perhaps I shouldn't have slept with both of them at the same time. The dogsitter stopped by yesterday when I was at home, and both the dogs went ballistic, barking up a storm. She simply looked at them, pointed her finger and said, "No!" and they stopped! Just like that. I should know better than to sleep with dogs so quickly. I did the same thing with English and she never listened to me either. Good thing SSMG and I haven't slept together yet. He still respects me.
So what's the hardest part of your day? For me, it's morning. Specifically when I'm trying to eat healthily and not stuff my face with carbs first thing in the morning. My whole life I've been waking up and eating cereal, bagels, bread, muffins, cake, etc. with my coffee. Now, I'm on a low-carb eating plan (no, not a DIET) and my entire morning is spent thinking about food and how I'm going to avoid it until it's an appropriate time to have lunch which consists of normal foods like salads, soup, meat, vegetables and what-not. Of course it doesn't help that I wake up every other morning with a wine headache.
Despite myself, I seem to have made some friends in Massachusetts. Now my schedule is getting full with lunches and dinners. Just what I wanted to avoid! Shit. I couldn't leave well enough alone and just be the reclusive, friendless hermit. I had to be "social" and reach out to people. Why??? What do I need friends for? I have my beloved friends already who know me well and who will never be replaced. But no, I had to go out and talk to people. It's a sickness, and once again, I'm my own worst enemy.
Making friends, sleeping with the dogs, I can't seem to control my promiscuous behavior. Replacing one addiction (carbs) with another (friends). Filling that empty place in my soul.

1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

You are the best. Mom and I are reading together and laughing out loud. You're us.. we just decided. Keep on keepin' on - BG xoxo (and thanks for that so sweet b-day card - you always remember and I always forget. I guess we're yin and yang?)