Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Freud would have a field day with Muffin & Sam

Remember Ray's hysterical incident of back leg paralysis caused by need for attention and missing his family? I believe Sam knows that SSMG and I are trying to take a vacation this week, and he had his own hysterical incident of back leg paralysis over the weekend. After waking us up in the middle of the night to supervise a most disgusting discharge of all of his bodily fluids (note: Sam sleeps in the bed with us) and a frenzy of changing the linens and cleaning, he was left unable to use his hind legs and fell down about 5 stairs. I am holding back tears of guilt as I envision the poor little thing slipping uncontrollably down the stairs. I am such a bad mother. All I want to do is love these animals and I hurt them. (Charles!!!!) I'm like the gentle giant. Beware, I love too much.
So yesterday I did nothing but sit with Sam all day long in his little bed. Mind you, I didn't have to, but see previous post. Turns out after my weekly trip to the vet he has a disk problem, very common to dogs of this breed. Now he's on medication and doing fine, but he has to be kept confined for a couple of weeks. We're going on our trip, and Cheri, the dogsitter, will do fine with him. I think he was jealous of all the attention that Muffin is getting for her little cancer issue, and he needed to step it up a notch. Now Muffin is spry and bouncy and seems healthy as an ox, and Sam needs to be carried around the house and placed gingerly in his bed.
Look, I'm not complaining. I love these dogs dearly. I wish they would be healthy and live long and prosper. Plus, they give me some purpose (see previous entry).
I've recently applied for a writing gig with a magazine that focuses on the relationship between animals their humans. Do you think they'll hire me?

1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

They'd be crazy not to...:)