Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The plight of the underachiever

We hear so much about overachieving - as if everyone in our society is an overachiever. Apparently, being an overachiever is unhealthy, leads to lack of sleep, stress and high blood pressure, loss of cognitive skills, obesity and any number of the diseases that are caused by stress. So how come all these high achievers are so, well, accomplished? Reading the news, you would think that everyone is wealthy and successful and finding a cure for cancer while they are running marathons and raising overachieving kids who will go to Harvard or Yale. You never hear anything about my people, the underachievers, and how much stress we're under. Imagine, living every day of your life wondering what the hell to do with your life. Imagine the stress involved in sitting around doing nothing when everyone else is busy doing great things. It's no wonder we don't all have ulcers, us underachievers.

Every day we wake up and think, "What am I going to do with myself today?" "What will make a difference in my life or someone else's life?" Indeed, why get out of bed at all? It's not that we don't have ambitions. It's that our ambitions and goals are just too lofty to accomplish, so we stay in bed. An underachiever's day is long. We obsess about little things, having nothing major to obsess about. We eat out of boredom and then we feel bad about our weight. So if anyone is experiencing stress in their life, it ain't the overachievers, it's the underachievers.

I really need to find a job. Doing nothing is way too stressful.

1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

you are so funny and I'm so happy you're back! I wish we could've had a 'round two' visit the other week...hope all is well though. :)