Thursday, May 8, 2008

Random Observations

It occurred to me the other day when I was in the ladies' room at the movie theater in the middle of Iron Man, which, by the way, I really enjoyed, that perhaps people are forgetting to flush the toilet these days because they have become accustomed to automatic flushes so they just walk away and assume the toilet will flush itself.
Then it occurred to me how we think that drinking water will solve everything. As though after we've had five margaritas and a shot of tequila and we wake up with a headache, a bland, nutrition free lubrication of our internal organs will solve the problem. Did drinking water ever help anyone feel better?
Last night during dinner my wonderful SSM guy said, "I love that you eat." Well you know, I love that I eat too. In fact, I love TO eat, so that's very convenient.

1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

I love reading what's in your head. You're so clever. Keep writing, bubble. :)