Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A life-changing realization

Something really traumatic has happened. I don't even know how to really talk about it. I'm quite devastated. It's one of those things that makes you think back and go, "What have I been doing with my life?" It's one of those life-changing realizations.
English, ahem. English is a dog. I discovered this yesterday. She was a little cranky and I tried to move her from her spot on the front lawn. She didn't want to move. In fact, she was so annoyed that she growled and bit me. More than once. No broken skin or anything, but it was more than a love peck, of that I'm sure. She's an animal. She doesn't have the same feelings for me that I have for her. She doesn't care if she hurts me, as long as she gets what she wants: food, runs, freedom to lay in the front yard for as long as she pleases.
I thought maybe she'd apologize or something, but a few minutes later, when I finally tricked her into going into the house by showing her her leash, she seemed to not remember our fight. I'm expected to just go on as usual.
I can't believe this! I can't believe no one told me! You all just let me obsess about her and love her and think that it mattered to her! How many hours of my life have I spent with that dog? Yes, dog! How much thought and emotion has gone into my relationship with her over the past - gulp - 7 years that we've been friends! What have I been doing with my life!!!! I suppose you're going to tell me that Sam and Muffin are dogs too. And that Ruby and Ray, well, none of them really love me in the human sense of the word. I mean dogs don't feel true emotion, right?
I'm at a crossroads. My life has no meaning anymore. I have to find something else to live for. Sigh. What a day.

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