Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th, Jesus Christ

Okay, I don't want to brag or anything, but I may just have the best boyfriend in the whole, wide world. The man bakes his own bread. Need I say more?
So last night I got RLS - restless leg syndrome - in my arms. It was terrible. I was flailing all over the place. Finally I got up, hobbled down the stairs and did some pushups, which hurt a lot because of the untreated torn rotator cuff issue which, mind you, has not gotten any better. I'm seeing the orthopedist on Monday. Maybe he'll give me new limbs.
It's Friday the 13th, and based on my recent history, I'm not leaving the house.


Anonymous said...

Baking his own bread? Wow! Yum! Yea! On the other hand, you may want to be on "gay" alert-- the guy is super nice and bakes his own bread... hmmm.

Check your compatibility here:

Restless Arm Syndrome?? Regarding your RAS (which sounds like "regarding your ass" when you say it out loud), tonic water works. Apparently the quinine in tonic water does something to relieve restless leg syndrome-- or arm syndrome in your case. Quinine also conveniently serves as an anti-malarial for those times when you find yourself wandering in a South American jungle.

So, the next time your man bakes bread for you, make sure he keeps a bottle of tonic water around to wash it down, otherwise you and your ass (RAS) may be inadvertently punching him all night while you sleep. One punch from your super muscles could render a man bake-less for a long time.

Anonymous said...

so miss wistah d, allow me to paint a verbal picture of what is and what is not going on when i'm baking.

first, there is no mincing, prancing, or swishing of any kind going on. no show tunes are playing in the background.

in fact, it might be the most awesomely masculine thing you've ever seen, as i rip open a box of bread mix (in a vigorous, manly fashion) and dump it into my extra-high-power industrial strength bread machine, that could by the way double as a manly cement mixer.

i hope we clear now?

btw, jean may see things a bit differently, but this is how making bread seems to me.

thanks for the tonic tip -- you might have saved me a few bruises :-)