Friday, March 23, 2007


Broke a bone. I'm in a cast. What this means:
Mooching off friends and neighbors to walk Ray
God knows how much money in medical expenses
No Miata (it's a stick)
And here's the best, you're gonna love this, no running for 12 weeks or until it heals which will lead to severe depression and weight gain which will be remedied by lots of food and alcohol which will lead to more depression and weight gain.
Prozac anyone?


SoBo Classifieds said...

Jean! Oh no! Do you need to stay here? What can I do? No Miata??? This is just no good...I am sooo sorry!

Anonymous said...

Ed the Artist feels your pain; just remember, you're a prospectively fat girl living in a way too thin girl's body . . . so says the thin man living in a fat man's body

: )