Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I'm free, oh lordy, I'm free!

I’ve finished the entire 91-episode-long series Sons of Anarchy. After a several-month-long binge, Jax is gone. What will I do with myself now? For the first time in years, I’ve stayed up past my 9:00 bedtime while my husband snores away. I’ve sat in coffee shops, bars, libraries, my car, anywhere I could get some peace and quiet, to continue with my unhealthy addiction to deceit, manipulation and violence. And, of course, Jax.

I’ve had purpose. For once I’ve been interested – really interested – in something. I’ve had passion! And now, it’s all over.

I’m experiencing mixed emotions: Loss, guilt, sadness, anger, fear (fear that I have no life left) but, most of all, relief. Relief that I can get on with my life. Be a functioning member of society again. Maybe find a job. Maybe travel. Maybe find a cure for some disease and save the human race.
I’m exhausted.

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