Tuesday, May 6, 2014

BG Hits Rockbottom

I have to say, since the phones have gone away, I don't see too much of Larry. I would say I miss him, but I don't. Not one bit. Yesterday, I had a pair of latex gloves on as I was washing dishes and Larry came up to me and said, "You look like you're performing surgery."
I gave him the obligatory smile that a woman in customer service behind a desk gives to a client and said, "My hands get really dry."
Larry then proceeded to tell me about his dry feet. Larry's dry feet. I really want that image in my head all day. Then he advised me on the best lotion to use on dry feet, as he used to use regular moisturizer and that didn't do the trick.
Gold Bond, if anyone is interested in healing their dry, cracked feet.

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