Friday, July 13, 2012

AA and other fun things to do on Friday night

Okay, I may have a substance abuse issue. This is not new news, and if you don't already know that about me, don't be upset. I'm not, like, coming out or anything. I'm just saying. I'm a writer and everyone knows we write more and better when we're drunk or on drugs or both. I find that I'm much more prolific after 5:00 when I consume my happy hour beer or two. I mean, it only takes a beer or two to losen me up enough to write. The best artists all suffer from mental illness, right? It turns out that I'm a card-carrying member of that club.*
I have a paper due on Monday. Have I KNOWN I have a paper due on Monday for three weeks? Well shit yeah. It's not like it's a surprise, and it's not like I needed to live the three weeks of my life not writing to come up with a topic and do the research and all. I just think I'm ultimately much more comfortable with anxiety than I am with actually living in calmness, peace and tranquility which perhaps I could do if I didn't procrastinate so much. It's Friday night, 5:05 and the rest of the world is done with work and heading out to have fun for the weekend. I, on the other hand, have just sat down to write my paper that's due on Monday. If we didn't think I was mentally disturbed before, well, this may be proof huh?
On the bright side, I have been thinking about what to write for a few weeks, and now that I've had my happy hour beer, and I'm feeling like writing, I can probably put something down on paper. I have the weekend and Monday to finish the damn thing. And, I can promise you, I will take full advantage of all of that time and procrastinate until Monday afternoon.
I think I've broached on the procrastination topic more than once in my blog. I think I need to rename my blog, "Groundhog Day."
So, for my Abnormal Psych paper I'm writing about the population of people that I will and won't work with when I become a counselor, and basically, I'm telling my teacher that I won't work with anyone who's not normal and doesn't have a sense of humor. Is this what she wants to hear? Do you think I'll get a good grade? I mean, I think my clients will be there primarily for my entertainment. have I misconstrued my role as a therapist?
(*In my next post. How I became a card-carrying NRA member.)

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