Thursday, March 1, 2012

A whole new level of procrastination

Tonight I discovered a whole new set of things I can busy myself with to avoid writing my paper. Most fulfilling was pulling the petals off of a dozen dying roses one by one. That felt good.
Today I met with my teacher (you know, the one who's deciding whether or not I'm "ready" for this program). She asked me where I go to work. I'm not sure why she asked me this. I can only assume that she somehow knows about my ADD and procrastination issues. She says she's intuitive and can read people. I told her I work at home, but I added that I have lots of distractions. Then I told her that I can't really work in a coffee shop because I people watch, and she kind of got a kick out of that. I'm not sure why.
THEN, she referred me to a hypnotherapist. Okay, let's back up a moment. This teacher is deciding whether or not I'm mentally healthy enough to become a therapist. It can NOT be a good sign that she's referring me to a hypnotherapist. She basically said that my issues are so deep, so imbedded in my soul, that no therapist is going to be able to help me overcome them.
Jesus Christ almighty. Thanks a lot mom and dad.
(Okay, we know things are bad when I don't use the new NFFS-coined "Gawd," but instead don't give a shit about offending all of my Christian friends. Sorry guys. I occurs to me that there's really no equivalent, offensive, disparaging exclamation against any Jewish celebrities. Holy Moses?)
I don't know whether this referral to hypnotherapy (aka hypnosis) will be held against me in class or not. She was unclear about that. But class ends on April 14th, so I guess I'll be getting hypnotized before then.
I know I can't be hypnotized. I'm going to be a failure. I'm too resistant and skeptical and, let's face it, too uptight. I can't relax enough for someone to send me into a stupor. My teacher describes it as a relaxed state. Okay, "BG" and "relaxed" aren't usually used in the same sentence now, are they. Today I obsessed all day on whether or not the dogs were going to be let out enough times on Saturday to poop when they need to. Relaxed? I don't think so.
Time to get to work as I sit with an ice pack on my butt which hurts like hell from god knows what. I'm sure it's due to some deep-seated issue.

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