Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do I have ADD or is the world around me just so interesting?

I sit down to write and suddenly other things become so important. Blogging, for instance, is way more important than writing my paper. Laundry. Cuddling with Sancho. Loading dishes into the dishwasher. Folding laundry. It's the curse of working from home, because I find that none of these things are very important to me when I'm out of the house. (Except Sancho, of course.) Oh, and I have to tell SSMG about all the annoying people at the gym...
And on and on. It happens when I try to read, too. Someone once asked me, "Are you interested in what you're reading?" Well, if that's the issue, than the answer is, sadly, I'm not interested in anything.
So let's get back to the annoying people at the gym. Today I had the spin instructor who screams and sings. She never stops talking - often about herself - and she sings loudly to the music. It hurts my ears and my sensibilities. Today she said, "Sorry for the old music, it's from like, 2009."
Okay, I'm done with her. I prefer the mellow, quiet teacher who only talks about the workout and what we should be doing. I don't know a thing about her, and I don't care.
Uh oh. There I go again. The therapist.
Everyone in my gym - I mean everyone - has an elaborate tattoo. I've never seen so many tattoos. They are big, muscle-building, tattoo-covered hulks. The women too. I feel like I'm back on Long Island. This is Colorado, and this is what happens when you move to the suburbs and join a suburban gym. It doesn't seem to matter what state I'm in. I am the oldest person in the weight room. Mind you, I'm not the weakest, which is encouraging, but I don't fit in at all. I don't have bulging muscles, I don't have tattoos, and I specifically searched long and hard to find baggy workout pants so I don't have to wear tights. Tights are not flattering on anyone, and quite frankly, I don't understand why everyone wears them. With my baggy pants and black sneakers, SSMG has said I look like a lesbian. That must be why no one is hitting on me.
So that's my rant for today. I guess I'm just particularly cranky because SSMG is leaving for 7 days and I'll be home alone with nothing to do but work on my paper, or, more likely, procrastinate on my paper.
Please call me, email me, or even stop by the house!

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