Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cooking school and the weight dilemma

I'm writing simply for one reason. SSMG has accused me of being "obsessed" and single minded lately on vampires and werewolves. So, just so my last post isn't what pops up first when you get lost in the bubble, I'm writing nonsense today just to prove that yes, I can think of other things.
Last night we went to cooking class at Bullfinchs, our favorite local restaurant where - dare I say it? - we are regulars. We were taught how to make muscles, mushroom lasagna and pavlova. We were also given plenty of wine to try, and as usual, I left Bullfinchs slightly inebriated. Needless to say, I will not be making any of the above any time soon, but it was very delicious and a fun time was had by all.
Today I took several steps towards my new career in fitness. I applied for a job at a health club in Boulder, and I signed up to be part of a network of trainers where I can get information on training and instructor classes, career advice and continuing education. So without leaving the dining room table where my laptop resides, I feel like I've taken huge steps toward my future in the fitness world, and now I can go take a nap since I'm still a little hungover.
The irony of all of this is, of course, that I couldn't care less about the fitness world. Health club, shmealth club. But this is my life. Nothing matters, so I occasionally have to fake it to survive. And since I've spent my whole life in health clubs, I might as well work in one, right? Yesterday On Point delved into the subject of whether being overweight in our society is simply okay. The conversation attracted the extremes, as it always does. A 300 pound woman called in to say how much she loved her body and Tom Ashbrook asked, "Is this okay?" Well c'mon Tom. Very few 300 pound people love their bodies. I mean very few 100 pound people love their bodies. No one loves their body because no matter what our size, it's never good enough. What we need is balance. It needs to be okay to just be our regular size. And that doesn't mean eating ourselves till we're 300 pounds, it means eating rational, nutritious meals and exercising a little bit. How crazy are we that we continue to spend so much time talking about our size, what's good and bad, how to control weight. It's just boring already.
So no, I'm not real excited about being in a health club 24/7, but maybe I can earn enough money to buy Sam a nice sweater.

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