Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Raining

Yesterday we were trying to figure out what to do after SSMG got off work as we had planned to hike and it was raining. I was kind of at a loss and couldn't come up with anything, so I called a friend and asked, "What does one do in Boulder when it rains?
She replied, "I don't know. It's never happened."
So it was back the "Toad" for more Lager and Lime. God we're predictable.
I saw the funniest/saddest ad yesterday for a class called "Turbo Vinyasa Yoga." It had a picture of a body builder guy in warrior II. Can you say, oxymoron? I mean really. We all love our corepower yoga because it's a great workout, but can't we find another name for this nonsense? It's not yoga. Yoga is calm and meditative and derived from the quest for self-actualization and inner peace. But goddamnit if I don't want to try a class.
And back to the subject of "it's never enough" which I broached somewhere in here awhile back, I read an article yesterday about not giving up going to the gym in the summer. How even in the nice weather when we like to be outside running and biking we must continue to go the gym so we don't lose that muscle tone that we built up during the winter. I ran nine miles yesterday, but no. That wasn't enough. I had to go the gym and lift weights because if I don't, apparently, I'm going to lose all my muscles and get osteoporosis. And I'll have no friends and no one will like me.
It's just never enough.

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