Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Unique Readers

I just had someone who's trying to help ask me how many users per day I had looking at my blog - unique users, she clarified. Are you kidding me? (That's how I responded to her. Are you kidding me?)
Are any of you unique?
Anyway, far more interesting than my lack of readership on my blog is my "pot calling the kettle black" weekend. If you haven't already read my previous post, please stop now and read it. It sets the tone for what happened last weekend.
SSMG and I went up to Woodstock, VT to run the Road to the Pogue for our third year in a row. Well, his third year in a row. The first year was the inaugural race and I had a broken foot. So really, for me it was to be what would have been my second time running. And whatever the hell name of the tense I just used to describe my lack of running it this year is intentional. (Reader, what tense is that?)
Long story short, we went to Bentley's for dinner on the night before the run and I guess I drank too much white wine with the locals because I woke up in the middle of the night deathly ill and ended up not being able to run. SSMG ran a great race and came back to our B&B to find me still in bed, still sick. David and George, our hosts at the Deer Brook Inn, treated me very well and fed me breakfast to help me feel better. That was wasted food. I didn't. In fact, I was still sick until about 5:00 in the evening when I decided to go out for my own 10k run in Hudson to make up for my lameness.
Poetic justice? I don't know. I just think that perhaps SSMG and I need to stop drinking so much before races. Perhaps we need to delay gratification and save our celebratory drinking for after the race. Out of the last three trail races, I've only actually run one. In about two weeks we run the Covered Bridges 1/2 Marathon (Okay, I've gotten a bit hyperlink-obsessed, but everything I do has a link to a website! It's so fun!) also in Woodstock. Hopefully we've learned our lesson. I spend more money and time planning for races that I don't participate in than anyone else on the planet. I think I just like to see myself as a runner. We all know that I'm not, but a little delusionary fantasy never hurt anyone, right? (Oh, and by the way, SSMG has informed me, very kindly, that he may not be able to train for the NYC marathon with me because I have a lax attitude that he finds contagious and demotivating. My only hope now is that he gets into the marathon, and not me. Then, I can be the most motivated, high-achieving spectator there ever was.)
Bubble on.

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