Friday, April 17, 2009

Jean and Jean

I just read a great book called Julie and Julia. The writer is hysterical and guess what? She got famous from her blog which apparently just "attracted" hundreds of readers. I have yet to find anyone who knows the most basic information and can answer the question, "How do you get people to your blog?" Strangers I mean. She made it sound so easy, like they just happened upon it one day and loved it. I have no doubt my blog would have the same effect, but for the two years that I've been writing, I've lost the readers I did have and I haven't gotten any new ones.
Of course, if I was to figure out how to go public, I would have to have something of interest to write about. Julie decided to cook all of the recipes in Julia Childs' book The Art of French Cooking. It was a brilliant idea and now as she tells us at the end of her book, she sits in her apartment in her pajamas and writes and gets paid gobs of money to do it. Hence the title: Julie and Julia. It's catchy.
So my new title is Jean and Jean. (Wow, I've never mentioned my name on the blog before. Isn't this a recipe for some sort of identity theft? Oh hell. Who in god's name would want MY identity.) Anyway, Jean, as in me, and Jean, as in Paul Sartre, the existentialist. I consider myself a radical existentialist. So radical in fact that it has left me unable to function in reality. Ha, that's ironic, isn't it?
See? I'm funny! (Oh by the way, no more pets being moved up and down on my "Bubble Girl is funny" register. Apparently I took it too far and I may have lost another reader.)
So existentialism is basically the belief that we are in the here and now. What we see is what we get. We are in the present and we exist only in relation to what else exists. What we see is real and not just a figment of our fucked up imagination. Get it? He's just not that into you!
Talk about living in the moment. My Buddhist friends have nothing on me. I'm so in the moment that I can't even leave the house.
Interestingly, existentialism, Buddhism and Judaism share this premise of living in the moment and accepting what is real and what is here. And this philosophy is, I think, supposed to empower us to be more productive people. After all, this moment is all we have. I guess if this moment is all I have, I want to spend it in front of the TV eating...let's see. An Entenmann's coffee cake, a box of chocolate chip cookies, some cheese and crackers and M&M's. That was yesterday's dinner.
So Jean and Jean would be the journey through life in the present. The little things that I encounter every day which make me pause. The decisions I have to make and the angst I suffer. The irony in life and the search for meaning.
Wait, that's the Bubble!!! It already exists! Someone, SOMEONE! Please tell me how to bring readers to my site before I am too fat to be moved from the couch!

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