Friday, January 9, 2009

OUCH, my aching nostrils

SSMG and I got this thing called a neti pot that's used to flush out your sinuses. I have a cold, and I tried it, but as with everything, I was very impatient and kind of poured the thing into my nostril until I felt like I was drowning in the ocean. Now, not only is my nose running, but my nostrils hurt and I have a renewed fear of ocean waves.
So I'm soothing myself with food. Famous chocolate wafers to be exact. A Boulder friend is doing a cleanse and she explained all the details to me along with how she was feeling and what her goals were in partaking on this journey. I got off the phone with her so depressed at my lack of discipline that I had to binge just to make myself feel better. So between the cleanse-envy and my aching nostril I have been in need of some soothing comfort food in the form of chocolate cookies.
The dogs are getting very fat.
On the bright side, SSMG and I just had a wonderful ski trip to Keystone, CO. I figure the more I expose him to the mountains, the more it'll get into his system as it tends to do and the more he'll think about it and long to go back. Then he'll need a box of chocolate wafer cookies to sooth his aching soul, just like me.
Did I mention how fat the dogs are getting?

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