Monday, October 20, 2008

I have one reader

The only person who reads my blog has asked that I blog more frequently. So here I am again!
SSMG and I ran in the Chicago marathon last week. I'd like to remind you that SSMG started running when we started dating. Now, he's so fast that we can no longer run together. But I am so proud of him and impressed by his ability as a runner. He finished Chicago in an amazing 3:45!
If you recall, last year I ran in brutal heat. The temperature reached 89 degrees, and because people were dropping like flies, it was a huge accomplishment just to finish the race. My time was 4:42 and I felt like superwoman just because I survived.
So this year it promised to be cooler, and as a result, more was expected of me. Which pisses me off to no end. I was fine until mile 13. From that point on it was painful and depressing. At some point around mile 10 I felt a pebble in my shoe. A total of three times during the race I stopped, sat down on the curb, took off my shoes and socks and searched for said pebble. On the third stop, I looked at my foot and realized it was not a pebble that was causing my discomfort, but a blister. Nothing I could do about that but keep running on it. But now I had the vision of the ugly blister on my foot and mentally, that wasn't helping things.
In addition to that, I had too much to eat the night before (I think the marathon caused me to gain about 5 pounds) and I was drinking Gatorade at every stop along with eating a couple of Power Gels. I felt heavy and gross, and I kept looking down an seeing the skin around my knees flapping around like an old lady.
All these factors, combined, became very demotivating. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. At mile 25, my posse of support pushed me on despite my whining that I wanted to stop.
I crossed the finish and not long after SSMG found me in the crowd of 30,000 people! What a happy ending to a sad run.
We proceeded to drink beer and eat more to celebrate the completion of the race, and now I'm having to lose all the weight that the stupid marathon caused me to gain. I don't think I'll run another marathon. It's too fattening.

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