Thursday, January 10, 2008


As promised, I will be talking only about body image and weight loss on my blog and nothing else. After all, is there really anything else to think about in this world?
Poor Muffinstuff Fussinstuff has tumors. It's terribly sad. She had a sick stomach, and when examining her, the vet found a tumor on her spleen. They operated yesterday and removed her spleen which they said she didn't need. In the process they discovered a tumor on her liver that is inoperable. Sigh. Now, we just wait to find out how aggressive the cancer is and what the prognosis is. She is doing well today. Very sleepy from what I'm sure are great drugs, but otherwise, she seems fine. Since she needs a lot of attention for the next ten days, I have cancelled my trip to Colorado next week. Now I worry that English will be alone too much and she'll be sad, and that makes me sad. There's not enough of me to go around to take care of all the animals I love.
But I digress.
Muffin seems to have shed a great deal of weight with the removal of her spleen. She looks really lean and has her waist back. I can tell she feels much better about herself, and even with her health deteriorating, she will live a longer life because of her renewed self confidence and energy. Who knew? I don't know if we need our spleens, but I'm going out and having mine removed. What an easy way to lose weight and regain MY waistline.
Diet Shmiet.