Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I think I saw a whale

Friday was my birthday. SSM guy and I invited about 8 people to Cuchi Cuchi in Cambridge where the waitresses wear cute costumes and the drinks are original and delicious. I decided I want to be a Cuchi Cuchi girl, but alas, I can't put that on my resume. It won't bode well for my career. SSM guy, Patricia (my friend from rehab) and I went and had a great time. The 5 other people who were invited missed out. SSM guy asked me, "Doesn't anyone like us?" Good question SSMG.
SSMG, in his usual perfect way, said and did all the perfect birthday things. I got an iPod Nano engraved, "Bubble Girl's Nano." :) If anyone is actually reading this regurgitation of brain matter I call my blog, please send me music suggestions because even I hate my taste in music.
I woke up early on Saturday feeling fine, no hangover thank goodness, because we went whale watching, and being hungover on a whale watch would suck. I thought I was golden. Until about 45 minutes into the cruise when I started feeling queasy. When I get nauseous I get weak and my fingers get cold and my teeth start to tingle. Then fatigue sets in and I just sort of pass out while I try to pretend everything is normal. I thought it would pass. It didn't. I ended up on the floor at the rear of the boat with the other sickies holding a throw-up bag over my mouth just in case. I never really had to use it.
With my head down, I could still hear the excited and animated tour guide pointing out the multitude of whales circling the boat and the thrilled passengers running from side to side of the boat, seeing whale after whale after whale. How cool for them, I thought. At some point I forced myself to lift my head and I think I saw the back of a whale sticking out of the water. Then, my head returned to that spot between my knees, I retreated again. Luckily SSM guy got to see them.
So now I'm 43. In honor of my old age, I went out and bought a bunch of new, very supportive running bras. Happy birthday to me.


SoBo Classifieds said...

I would've come. Really I woulda. So sorry you missed the whales! That's too sad! I promised to get some song ideas together for you...and, you are an excellent writer. Didn't you know? :) Happy B-Day jean-bean...

Anonymous said...

allright you old lady, some music (you can check it all out Rhapsody of course)
-- Chip Taylor, Red Dog Tracks
-- Iron & Wine, Our Endless Numbered Days
-- and then there's always . . .
-- The Avett Brothers
-- The Band
-- Common or Kanye West

Anonymous said...

. . . and . . .

-- Montgomery Delaney, Changing Shoes (my buddy from law school who turned out to be a kick-ass acoustic guitarist)