Sunday, August 5, 2007

Marathon Shmarathon

Oh, who needs proper training to run 26.2 miles anyway. SSM guy is pretty much on track, I'm way behind on my training since I conked out last week and only ran 10 of the 13 miles. Two months away, and my longest run yet is 10 miles. That's not good. I think SSM guy is going to be wearing my number on race day. It's just... I get tired. I get hot. I sweat and it drips into my eyes so I can no longer see. My legs feel heavy, and I get really, really cranky. Sounds like fun, huh? Rachel thought I loved and was passionate about my running. I guess that's 'cause I whined for three months when my foot was broken. Nah. Who the hell loves to run? Did you ever see a runner smiling? Anyone who claims to love it is lying. We love THAT we run. We don't love TO run.
English is back in first place in the photo gallery. I went by the house yesterday, and I didn't take her running - which is going to send me straight to hell. When I drove away, there was her little face in the window peering out. Her eyes pleading with me to please, come back. So I will visit her again tomorrow and goddamnit, we will run. 4 miles. No more than that, please English. I hate running.
So the "ATT guy" option has been nixed. Cassy and SSM guy agree that SSM has a great ring to it, and it's integral to our story. After all, if it hadn't been for the SSM acronym, who knows where we'd be today? I may have ended up with Tuesday night guy, and I didn't really dig him. So SSM stays, but thanks anyway Taylor.
I've lost a few more friends on this trip to Colorado by blowing off a girls' weekend in Steamboat. Oh well. Friends Shmiends. Who needs them.
Okay Rachel, brace yourself, Ray IS sad. (Look left.) I'm sorry. He's sad because you're gone and he misses you and doesn't know you're coming back. He slept for over 12 hours last night, a sure symptom of depression. He doesn't leave my side for an instant, and as much as I'd like to think it's because he loves me, it's because he's feeling insecure. Come home soon so Ray can be happy again. And then move to Massachusetts so we can all be one, big happy family. I'm sure, ahem, that Ray will get along great with Moo and Sam...
Today we walked the trail and some guy commented about Ray's attentiveness to me. I said, "Yeah, he's a great dog," like the proud aunt that I am. I'm proud of all my little canine and feline nieces and nephews. My brother's thinking (imagine my brother with a big bubble above his head, rolling his eyes as though he's really annoyed) "If only she devoted as much energy toward her own nephews that she puts towards other people's pets." Sorry bro. It's just that they don't cling to me and look up at me with loving eyes. Only my surrogate pets - and SSM guy - do that.

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