Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And I run...

I'm running again!!!!
I shot out of the gate last Friday with 6 miles, and have since done three more runs. 8 miles, 6 miles and, well, 2 yesterday before I had to stop because of the fucking humidity, sweat dripping into my eyes, mosquito bites and pinky toe pain. My pinky toe toenails are bruised and I'm about to lose them. SSM guy is thrilled with my feet right now. Sexier feet he's never seen.
Chicago's on!
Attendance in the bubble is at an all time low. Possibly because I haven't been writing much, but please note the addition of Wyatt, the sexy cat belonging to publicist friend. (The one, remember, who was going to get me a book deal with her publishing company until I decided that the time wasn't right; hence, the MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!) Just refreshing your memory lest you've forgotten.


Anonymous said...

"you run so far away..."

you forgot the 4 miles last wednesday! and i do love your new red toe -- it really ties the room together.


SoBo Classifieds said...

You are THE WOMAN! And here I've only eaten cupcakes all week and sat my fat ass in front of the computer. Oh. And you should have seen me at the Tuscan Table at St. Julien today. Just eating away my sorrows and running...what running? I'm proud of you and I HAVE been reading...just so you know.
