Friday, July 6, 2007

Coughing and Wheezing

Hi. It's been a while, I know. I've been mentally checked out. But this morning I have work to do, so what better way to start than to procrastinate by blogging? Lots of stuff going on to report.
Miss Muffinstuff Fussinstuff's wheezing got worse the other night and I didn't sleep, so I left the bubble and went downstairs to sleep on the pullout sofa. It was cool and quiet and I got lots of sleep, but it has taken SSM guy and I until today to recover. He was up half the night worrying about why I was sleeping in the basement. (Well, not really. Really, he was up worrying about the shed he's building, but I like to think he was worried about me sleeping in the basement. Venus and Mars, you know.)
We ran 10 miles on Tuesday! Since then, I haven't run at all, but I'm feeling optimistic about the long distances. Yesterday I went to the gym and a fat, fully tatooed and pierced hispanic man complimented my physique. It made my day and freed me up to come home and eat gobs of ice cream while SSM guy told me he's not eating sweets anymore so he can lose his love handles. Huh? What love handles? Did I mention how thin SSM Guy is? And how he has the perfect male physique? Gag.
Yesterday I discovered that mold can be cleaned. Since I've lived here, I've been a little disturbed by the mold on wall above the bathtub, and I told SSM guy we needed to paint, assuming that it was permanent. Well, lo and behold, yesterday I took some cleaner and a sponge and voila! No more mold!
The mysteries of life continue to amaze me.

1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

Just don't try to re-paint OR clean our bathroom tiles. It's no mystery - just unfixable. Unless we move. :) Glad to see you're back. I've missed you!