Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Virtue of Selfishness

I have a confession to make. I've been growing out my hair for a long time now, and it's really long (that's not the confession). I've been claiming all along that I'm gonna cut it off and donate it to Locks of Love. I'm not sure why I've been saying that, because really I just have an obsession with my hair being long. I always have. It's like, "You can't be too rich or too thin?" Well in my case, being rich got lost somewhere along the way and it got translated into, "I can't be too thin, have my hair too long, or be too tan." I guess I just really want to be Halle Berry. Can you blame me?
But truth be told, I have too much hair. It's annoying, gets into everything, and lately it looks pretty damaged. So I need a haircut, and I want to get a long, layered, stylish cut. I'm thinking Paula Abdul. (Can you believe that Melinda got cut last night by the way? It's a travesty along the lines of Jennifer Hudson.) But there's that whole altruism thing where I'm supposed to be donating most of it to women who are less fortunate than I. Mom taught me ala Ayn Rand that selfishness is a virtue, so I'm thinking, f*ck it. I'll get the haircut I want, and let it grow and consider being altruistic again some time in the future.
And SSM guy was worried I'd lost my misanthropic edge. Not a chance.
F*ck it dude. Let's go bowling.


SoBo Classifieds said...

Altruism has many motivators. And my father did locks of love (in case you haven't read today's post, I'll tell you he wasn't the most altruistic person you'll meet.) So I say, go Paula and let it be about you. :) You'll be more apt to do something nice for others if you're having a good hair day. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

here we see even more evidence that BG is the perfect woman -- note the perfectly chosen "big lebowski" quote. as if it's not enough that she actually notices when the fridge is getting low on heinekens. how lucky am i?

Anonymous said...

I know this comment is a bit delayed but due to dial up internet(who the hell has dial up anymore!)and being retarded about even leaving a comment in the first place....anyway, here I am! I just wanted to say that I'm relating to the hair thing; I'm actually getting quite attached to all this hair of mine even though in Germany it was falling out in gobs....maybe due to stress?? I still think I have to donate it but I have to admit, it'll be a shock to cut it off. You sure you don't want to do it know, moral support......oh hell just keep looks good on you!