Tuesday, May 15, 2007

SSM Guy's First Race!

Me and Fabulous Forty. I'm at her house now in Colorado dogsitting for her cat, Romeo.
The blog is suiting me just fine for now, but my idea is to one day write a book called, "Other People's Pets" since my life seems to revolve around other people's pets. And other people's houses, and other people's cars and other people's stuff. The only thing I can say for sure is that I don't date other people's boyfriends or husbands.
FF has a very cute house, and I realized as soon as I got here what I love about staying at other people's houses. They have stuff. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, lotions, stuff that I never buy for myself. I have one of everything I need and that's it. When did I become so minimalist, and dare I say it, cheap? I hate to buy anything. But all that's going to change. I want my OWN stuff. My OWN life. My OWN dog. Someday, someday.
I was driving FF's car from the airport (a stick shift mind you. I've finally learned!) trying to find the on/off switch for the radio. I never located it, but I did notice a small button that said on it, brace yourself, SSM. It must mean something. SSM guy ran the Run to the Pogue in Woodstock VT at an unbelievable pace on Saturday. So I'm really, really happy for him. Really happy for him. I hobbled up the hill to stand at the finish line and cheer him on as he crossed. He's gonna be running races in record time, and I'm gonna be his chubby, albeit supportive girlfriend, waiting for my man at the finish line.
Left SSM guy at the airport this morning with sadness in my heart. I've grown very attached to him and the beasts Muffin and Sam. I don't know what that means, but it can only be good. Remember this day because the next statement emerging from these fingers may never again be repeated:


Anonymous said...

frightening stuff... will i recognize this happy girl? and will she still appreciate the misanthropy that is the basis for so many of our conversations?

blue and moo and sam and herman and i miss you very much!

remind me to get a compass before the next race.

SoBo Classifieds said...

Beaming, beautiful, bubbly bubble girl? I like what I see! AND - a magnificently talented writer on top of it all. If I didn't love you, I'd hate you. ;)