Friday, May 11, 2007

Sake, Rosie & Queenie

The bubble is just bursting with things to talk about this morning, but unfortunately since SSM guy and I split a couple of carafes of sake over some sushi last night, and despite the engaging conversation that had me laughing so hard my sake was coming out my nose, I can't remember a damn thing we talked about. I remember saying at least twice, "I have to put that on my blog tomorrow."
The one thing I do remember, he asked me not to write about (SSM guy is very protective of Sam & Moo's image in the bubble. He feels I haven't portrayed them well. The dog peed on my head SSM! What's to portray???)
He had a realization last night that I think he found rather disturbing, to say the least. I've always thought that Sam was gay. He's neurotic, for one, and he doesn't seem to have any sexual interest in Moo who, I think you'll attest to from the photo, is rather pretty. We've nicknamed him "Queenie."
So last night the realization was that Muffin (Moo) might be a lesbian. I won't reveal how that idea came about, but suffice it to say that she's very interested in woman things. SSM guy nearly jumped out the window when he looked at her and said, "She kind of looks like Rosie O'Donnell!" Well, she does. We've now nicknamed the dogs "Rosie and Queenie."
Then, the most disturbing news of all came out, to which SSM guy said, "You need to leave now."
I told him I watch The View. And, I really like Rosie O'Donnell.
This is the first real hiccup we've had in our otherwise perfect relationship. I'm not sure how it's gonna go, but I will say that I'm relieved that I'm leaving for Boulder on Tuesday so he can cool down and think about things a little bit, and maybe prioritize what's important to him in the relationship. I mean, we don't have to share every interest, do we? And shit, he likes some things that I don't like. He eats this crap called Marmite that I think tastes like, well, shit.
On another note, I want to update everyone on Fabulous Forty+ (aka Toni). She's had her tooth pulled and apparently has to wear this device thing that serves as a replacement tooth for a year until she can get an implant. She's depressed because she lispths with it, and she can't eat anything but soup and ice cream. She's afraid she won't be able to date since eating would require removing the device and exposing the gap.
FF, first off. Soup and ice cream? Yum! Just don't get too skinny. Despite my comments about being thin being the most important thing in life, remember that I'm bubble girl and I'm a little f*cked up in the head.
I think removing the device in front of your date should serve as an ice-breaker and a test of his sense of humor. Go for a few drinks, relax, have some fun, and then just pull the damn thing out and go for it. (I had a guy once remove his, brace yourself, fake eyeball, in front of me. I never quite knew why he did that, and I was more than a little horrified, but I kept seeing him nonetheless until he broke up with me because I laughed out loud at E-Town at an inappropriate time. Can you imagine? Well, that's bubble girl for you. Give it enough time for them to break up for some ridiculous reason so you don't have to.
But I digress.)
So anyway, FF, hang in there, date, have a sense of humor about it. It could end up being the best man-magnet ever. And in the end, you'll have a brand, new, shiny tooth to go with your skinny body.
What else? World traveler, aka Rachel, is famous for starting a huge battle in the neighborhood with the HOA and the other residents over her "Save Darfur" sign. Gotta love Boulder. We're liberal and we act against oppression and racism, but our lawns have to look pretty while we're doing it. No signs. It disrupts the tranquility of the neighborhood. GO WT!
Cassy hasn't written in a while so I can only assume that she's very busy. OR, she's really pissed off at me for the "mother" comments on my last blog. I suspect she's not the only one.
And SSM guy? Well, what can I say. He's perfect. Despite the fact that he managed to raise gay dogs. :)


Bubble Girl said...

Testing the comment capability. If you must, just make up a login and password on the fly.

Anonymous said...

the haze is clearing a bit...

remember "end big sushi now"?

and if you can make allowances for marmite, i will try to suppress the gag instinct that the mention of rosie usually triggers. the people one, not the furry, friend-of-queenie one.

SoBo Classifieds said...

OMG - THAT was your Rachel! Too funny! I read the whole article rolling my eyes over the wisdom of HOAs...let's rename them: Houses of Assholes. How's that? And would you relax already about the mother comment? As long as we are clear that my children are perfect in your eyes, all is right with the world...and geez-o-pete do we have some catching up to do! Get your buns back to Boulder! And let's go running! :)

rachel said...

i love being YOUR rachel!! made me smile :)