Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Colloquialisms Drive Me Mad

Throughout my life I have spoken English. I'm pretty rigid about the language and it just annoys the hell out of me when new words get adopted into the language because people can't think of a better word already in existence to express themselves. Take my latest pet peeve, "Super." Everything now that's "a lot" or "very" is "super." It's idiotic and when people say it, I lose some respect.
"We're super excited to see you!" Excited would have been enough.
"It's super cold out!" Freezing would have sufficed.
"Those are super cool boots!" Cool, by itself, would make the point, but I sort of hate that word too. How about, "I like your boots!"
I just can't adapt to these things. And it seems like if I do, they go away and something else replaces them, so I'm just sticking to my language. It works for me.

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