Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tiny head, big breasts

I had a terrible age-defining moment the other day. All my life all I wanted to hear was how thin I was, it was always music to my ears. Even when it was too thin and I looked awful. The thinner the better. Well now that I'm 50, being thin means a whole new thing.
I saw a friend the other night who looked at me in shock - and I mean horrified shock - when I walked in the door. She said, "Oh my god! How much weight have you lost?" I said, "Not a pound!" (which is the god's honest truth. I'm peri-menopausal which basically means that eating is really the only thing next to alcohol that gives me any pleasure.)
She said, "Your face looks so thin!"
Now, when I was 25 and wanted cheekbones, I would have rejoiced. At 50? My face is thin. It's drawn. I look like an old lady who has been out running one too many times without sunscreen.
On the other hand, it appears that my breast have gotten quite large with these hormonal changes. So what a freak!
Tiny head and big breasts.

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