Monday, January 21, 2013

It's been a long time.

Sometimes I get so trapped in my bubble that I can' t even write, and that has been the case the last couple of months. I am so busy thinking that I can't even be funny. This is a sad and miserable time when I'm stuck in my head. It's such a scary place to be. I'm emerging today to write and update you on the happenings in the bubble. First off, no blog post would be complete without a full and detailed description of my running-related injuries. It seems that I have something akin to a broken foot which just appeared on my run yesterday out of nowhere. Don't you usually have to do something to break a foot? I know, I know, the universe is teaching me something. If you figure out what that is, please comment.
I have enrolled back in school this semester, very reluctantly, and at any given moment I'm on the cusp of withdrawing from my class. I can't figure out any good reason to stay in school except that it gives me something to stress about. It seems as if it's money better spent elsewhere. Like starting a business that's going to make me lots of money so I can escape my life of dependency. If you figure out a business for me to start, please comment.
Sancho is doing well except he got attacked by a big, bad doggie yesterday. He if fine. I'm traumatized. Poor guy isn't getting any walks from me at the moment, since I can't walk. If you can come over and walk my dog, please comment.
I have had some adventures since I last wrote. Went to South Beach with some girlfriends and went dancing! Four old ladies, alone on the dance floor in front of a crowd that didn't even notice us. In our minds, we were rockstars, but let's face it, at 48 your dance moves aren't impressive and you're invisible. Especially when you're surrounded by scantily clad 25 year olds whose dance moves are pretty impressive.
Speaking of dancing, I got rip roaring drunk in the middle of the week last week and I went dancing. Problem is, I was so drunk I don't remember if I actually had fun. I was alerted afterwards that I was yelling at the band a lot. I'm afraid I made quite a fool of myself and I most likely will not be welcomed back. I was pretty worked up, and apparently had a lot to say, I just couldn't tell you what it was. Sometimes I feel really strongly about things. Thankfully, at 48, I'm smart enough even when inebriated not to take any clothes off. That's about the best I can say for myself regarding that particular evening. I spent the next day deathly ill and didn't recover till 2 days later. AA, here I come. After I finish my beer.
If you've attended AA before and have any suggestions for me, please comment.
Other than that, looking forward to our trip to Belize in a couple of weeks. I have very high expectations for this trip since we've had it planned for a year, and that makes me nervous. I will most likely spend the next two weeks stressing about it and will need a vacation desperately. If you lived in this bubble, you'd need a vacation too.
When did life get so worrisome? If you can answer that question, please comment.

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