Thursday, July 16, 2009

I feel badly about carrots

(If you got here through my link to hear about our trip, skip this and go to the next entry. You may not want to hear my thoughts about carrots.)
Okay, thanks a LOT BFF. Unbeknownst to her, my brilliant, opinionated, loyal and wonderful BFF has ruined my life. It was all so innocent. A brief comment months and months ago that she no doubt doesn't even remember has ruined me. I can't stop thinking about the carrots now. As if I don't have enough to worry about.
I'm not particularly socially conscious. At least not according to my very liberal, socially conscious friends. I'm sort of a moderate form of socially conscious. But usually I feel comfortable with my tiny carbon footprint. I mean, just by nature I hate waste and I don't like destroying nature. I am a sensitive person who feels things for other living beings. Even trees. I mean, were it not for the fact that I can't lie out on our porch and sun myself, I wouldn't even have entertained cutting down the two trees in our yard that we've been talking about cutting down. Ultimately, I won't because trees should not have to die for my tan. I've discovered the Mystic Tan, so I should be okay and the trees can live.
Anyway, I drive a fairly modest, economical car, I don't use a lot of electricity or power, I throw things away in the appropriate receptacles and I just don't own a lot or use a lot of resources, as a whole. Plus, I've always agonized a bit about where the garbage goes - even before it became en vogue to worry about it.
So we were at a dinner with BFF and other liberal, socially conscious individuals months ago and BFF mentioned that there was something environmentally "bad" about baby carrots, to which her friend replied, "God, not ANOTHER thing to worry about!" I thought, "Jeez, relax. I hardly think this is something ELSE you need to worry about."
Months later I can't stop thinking about the baby carrots and what their production is doing to the environment. I mean, I don't exactly know what the production of baby carrots is doing to the environment, but it can't be good, and it can't be worth it for a little convenience. And they are much more convenient as dog treats. I formerly thought feeding carrots to my dogs instead of horsemeat treats was good. Now, to learn that these little, innocent carrots, which I now notice have unnatural layers to them, need factories and equipment and pollutants to be created ruins everything for me. I can't in good conscience feed these to the dogs anymore. I will have to buy whole carrots and spend my time and energy cutting them up into small pieces that the dogs can eat.
Clearly I don't have time to get a job. Thanks a lot BFF.

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