Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sugarloaf, Sugar and Loafing

BG attempted to ski this weekend. It was not a pretty sight. First of all, I'm a terrible skier, and because of that, I got rid of all of my equipment before I moved here and vowed never to ski again - especially on the east coast. You know how I hate to do anything I'm not good at, so I don't do anything.
But along comes SSM guy who likes to ski and treated me to a weekend in a beautiful condo at Sugarloaf. So I rented. If there's a sure way to ruin a ski day, rent equipment. We were ski-in/ski-out, the lift was right out the door, and the conditions were pretty good. Not icy like I remember east coast skiing to be. I mean no, it wasn't Colorado conditions, but it was good.
A snowstorm on Sunday delayed our plans to go home where the ex-wife was taking care of the dogs. (I want so much to blog about her, but I must resist the temptation.) What a day! We stayed in all day, drank champagne and beer and watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Glued to the TV, we left the condo only twice to work out at the gym and have dinner at the bar. The perfect day if you ask me.
After dinner it was a trip to the convenience store for movie treats (the third LOTR episode was on) and supplied with Twizzlers, chocolate and an ice cream sandwich that I washed down with hot chocolate and Kahlua, we both fell asleep at 8:00 and missed the finale of LOTR.
It was the perfect weekend. Even if I do live in the tundra.

1 comment:

Bumble Bee said...

sounds like a good weekend to me to. please blog away... :)