Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A new member of the community

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Giulietta who threatens to start her own blog and join Bubblelicious, Bay Street Rehab and SoBo Classifieds. Giulietta found me after - GULP - 35 years when she purchased Celestial Seasonings Mango Darjeeling tea and saw my little essay on the box. Giu and I were friends when we were - GULP - six years old. Giu, we look forward to your new blog, but I warn my readers, it seems that she and I are very much alike and it may be redundant.
I'm sick. I'm run down, and I forgot - repeat, I FORGOT - to do some work that was due today. The client was pretty understanding, but I don't know that she'll ever hire me again. So I'm in a complete state of panic at the moment about how to organize my work life so that I don't forget to do my work. Any suggestions oh loyal readers?
There is some consolation in knowing, however, that I'm not the only one suffering. It seems that Cassy has broken both of her knees, and Toni broke a tooth. Toni, because she was "cleansing" for ten days, is very thin, but broke her tooth on the one thing she was allowed to eat for ten days, almonds. I'm starting a fund for her to get her tooth fixed. Stay tuned for a paypal charitable contribution link. Hey Toni, teeth can always be fixed. More important to be thin.
WistahD posted a cute message today, but I deleted it. I don't think she realizes that everyone can read her message, and SSM guy might not have taken it well when she accused him of possibly not being clean in reference to why Sam peed on my pillow. :)
Bubble on.


Anonymous said...

i'm scared. jean, toni, and cassy all injured. it can only be a matter of time before i too break something on me, unless my brush with pneumonia/altitude sickness in boulder counts as my bubbleworld affliction.

do i dare play ultimate tonight? the answer, of course, is yes, because b.g. will be there to watch.

Anonymous said...

Burst Bubble Girl, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm still doing the mango tea where I found your words of wisdom and our long-lost connection. I'm enjoying your blog and the comments that go with them. Will explain "Giulietta" when I re-do my blog that magically and mysteriously went away...it may have had to do with my anti-BushBaby comments. I must be on a list somewhere...
